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SSA Certified Courses

We offer courses from beginner to expert level. Our programs are open to those who are curious about sake, eager to learn and want to enhance their professional skills; or those thinking about changing their career to the food & beverage industry.

All courses provide a focus on Sake Sommelier training – giving students practical applications to everything learnt. The Sake Sommelier Academy’s courses are built around workshops and interactive teaching with the aim of giving usable sake knowledge – whether for career advancement or to impress your peers!

Introductory Sake Professional

The Introductory Sake Professional course is the first step to entering the Sake Sommelier world.

Certified Sake Sommelier

The Certified Sake Sommelier is a fantastic way to further expand your career in the sake service industry.

Advanced Sake Sommelier

The Advanced Sake Sommelier course takes place in Japan. This trip offers a unique insider’s view of the country.

Master Sake Sommelier

The Master Sake Sommelier is the world’s highest sake sommelier qualification.

Master Sake Making

Our sake brewer’s qualification offers a full, in brewery, education on how to become a sake brewer.